Monday, February 28, 2011

One Month Check-Up

Today we went for our one month weight check at the pediatrician.  Daddy went back to work last week, so Aunt Stephie went with mommy and us today.  We got good news, Grayson weighs 9 lbs 1 oz and Ava weighs 7 lbs 1 oz.  Dr. Mary was very pleased with our growth and development!

Here we are bonding on aunt Steph's lap.
Ava's close up.  Just before tummy time!

Grayson, definitely suspect of tummy time!
Here we are post tummy time!  Who came up with this concept anyway?

Ava getting ready to go to see Dr. Mary.

Grayson, his usual excited self could care less where we are going!

Well, we have to go sleep and grow some more.  Check back soon!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Hi there!  Here is a quick recap of our second week here.  We have been very busy practicing eating, pooping and sleeping.  Some things we are better at than others, just ask mommy and daddy.  You know what they say, practice makes perfect and we are continuing to practice (about 8 times a day!).

In addition to our practicing, we have also caught up on our current events and received a number of guests.  We keep meeting family and making new friends and word in the nursery is that they all think we are adorable!

First, Grandpa Ken and Grandma Sandy came to visit from Nebraska.  Here we are with them now.

They were sure to load us up on all the Husker gear one could want.  Daddy is busy trying to figure out what else can be spelled by the "GO HUSKERS" building blocks they got us.

Then Grandma Goddard came to stay with us.  We are her first grandchildren and she spoiled us rotten with affection!  Here is the proud grandma with us.

We also met some great new friends.  First, our surrogate grandparents Jim and Pam M. paid us a visit.  We were very excited to learn they are going to be regular visitors once mommy and daddy go back to work.

Jim was overheard commenting that they have to re-learn how to look after babies because now they go out for beers with their kids.  (Before you call Child Protective Services, you should know their kids are adults now!)  Speaking of beer, a quick look into our refridgerator tells you a little about how we have changed mommy and daddy's life!


Then we were very excited to meet our new friend Rye.  She is just about two months older than we are and her mommy Rhoda is awesome!  We hear great things about her daddy too!  We look forward to growing up together.  Here are the three of us.

Here is a big shout out to our new friends Jennifer, Denise, Jill, Corin and Diana who all paid us a visit this week!  We can't wait to see you all again!

Daddy makes sure we stay up on current events by turning on the news.  We heard a lot about a big party in a place called Egypt and daddy told a story about King Tutankhamun.  He has now nick named us Prince and Princess "toot-in-common"!

Finally, we have been getting some exercise...well...sort of.  Here we are on our first walk.

Mommy, Daddy and Grandma Goddard showed us around the neighborhood.

Aunt Stephie comes to town today to stay with us a for a while and we are very excited to see her again and we will update you soon on our new adventures!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Well, we have been home a week now and it has been very busy and incredibly rewarding.  Lots of "firsts" as you can imagine.  We are still sneaking in sleep whenever we can which leaves less time for blogging.  For now, here are some new photos.  Enjoy!
Ava and Grayson's first baths!  Verdict is in, they are not fans of the sponge bath!

Ava, doing her best pirate imitation.


No photos please!

Grayson, focused on the right, look out for the left!

Grayson trying to avoid the bath by playing possum!

Grayson, has no idea what is about to happen!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


TUESDAY WAS A GREAT DAY!  Tuesday, we took our little bundles of joy home and showed them their room and started to discover all the things we didn't think we needed but that we need right NOW!  I'm happy to report, all worked out well and we all survived our first night home together!

Here are some photos of the big day.

Here is Grayson and Ava in their "going home outfits" picked out by mommy.  She has great taste!  Grayson's out fit is a little baggy, while Ava is swimming in hers.

Here's the new and improved Goddard family!  Mommy and daddy are just a little proud!  We need to send a big shout out to the Doctors and Nurses at Midtown and Rose Medical Center.  They took great care of us and fawned over Grayson and Ava every chance they had.  I think they were as excited as we were when we took the twins down to the nursery to get a little shut eye.

So we are ready to go home and someone says "stay warm and drive carefully!"  Huh?  What are you talking about, yesterday's high was in the mid 40's and sunny?  Then when we went to load the car, this is what we found...Mother Nature laughing just a little!

Not to worry, come rain, sleet or even 6-8 inches of snow, nothing was stopping us from bringing Ava and Grayson home!  On our drive we noticed that the City and County of Denver snow plows had taken the day off in honor of Grayson and Ava's homecoming.  Thank goodness for all-wheel drive!

When we finally made it home, there was a proud Grandpa waiting!

 This is Sarah's dad Ken, in town from Nebraska, holding his two newest grandchildren.

That's all for now.  Time for a nap before the next feeding.  Stay tuned for more...

Monday, February 7, 2011


Our new routine has basically four steps.  Eat, sleep, poop, repeat!  If done properly, the results are seen below!

What's the fourth step you ask?  Sleep, sleep is the fourth step, except step four is designed for mommy and daddy and doesn't happen with as much frequency as steps one thru three!  That said, we have discovered that the hospital nursery is a great place for Ava and Grayson to meet new friends and give mommy and daddy a little sleep time.  Thank you nursery!  Now we just need to see if the nursery staff makes house calls!

Our stay in the hospital has been pretty good.  We are looking to go home and start a whole new routine tomorrow!  We did have a nice and unexpected surprise during our stay.  Grayson and Ava's Aunt Stacy and Aunt Stephie made a surprise visit from Nebraska and they brough cousins Shelby and Danielle with them.  Here is a photo of our surprise with the proud mommy!

That's all for now.  Sarah's Dad and Sandy arrive today and my mom will be here Saturday for her tour.  She is very excited to meet her new grandchildren.  (Her first and second!) Can't wait to see the new grandparents!

Friday, February 4, 2011


5:30 am is awful early to be this happy and look this beautiful! Full of excitement for our new adventure!  This is the last authorized belly photo!

I took this opportunity to sport some new digs!  They're not as flattering as one might think.  I wish I could say this is the last authorized belly photo for me!  But enough about us, here's the debut of the Goddard twins.  Notify the authorities, the twinvasion has begun!

Introducing Grayson Michael Goddard born (promptly) at 8:00 am.  We wish we could say punctuality runs in the family!  As you can see, he is a big baby, especially for a twin.  He also measured 20 inches in length and really wishes we had brought his sun glasses!

Introducing Ava Rochelle Goddard, she was right behind her big brother and born at 8:01 am and measured 18 inches in length.  She's already a great non-verbal communicator, here she's saying "5 lbs 5 oz, what do you expect, Grayson was bogarting all the room, I'm just a normal sized twin!"     

Here we have the happy family that just doubled in size!

Here, brother and sister are getting acquainted with one another, as if to say, "so you're the one that's been kicking me in the head?"

Thank you to everyone for their prayers, kind thoughts, well wishes and congratulations!  We are firm believers that it really does take a village to raise a child and we hope you will be apart of our village!